
The Bargaining Process

DDEA began bargaining for a new contract with David Douglas School District in February 2024. Our current contract expires June 30, 2024.

The DDEA Bargaining Team is made up of six DDEA members and our OEA consultant. The six members represent all levels (MECP, Elementary, Middle, and High School), as well as Classroom Teachers, SPED, and TOSAs. Our mission is to represent our members’ needs and achieve the best contract possible for all DDEA members.

We encourage and welcome member involvement in the bargaining process! In the fall of 2023 we held a series of group Listening Sessions and conducted one-on-one interviews with many members. We also invited all licensed staff to take a Bargaining Survey.

To show your support, you can:

1) Stay in touch with your Contract Action Team (CAT) leader

2) Attend open bargaining sessions and school board meetings

3) Wear red on bargaining days: Wednesdays (school-age) and Fridays (MECP)

4) Ask questions and learn about the process

Stay tuned for more opportunities to participate!

Stephanie Myhre (5th grade, Cherry Park Elementary & DDEA President), Kyle Potter (Spanish Teacher, David Douglas High School), Melissa Williams (Early Intervention Specialist, Multnomah Early Childhood Program), Pete O’Farrell (Social Studies, Ron Russell Middle School), Jenny Ferro (Student Behavior Specialist, Lincoln Park Elementary), Alan Moore (OEA Consultant), and Alice Eberharter (Speech-Language Pathologist, West Powellhurst Elementary)

Fall 2024 team update: Alan Moore, our previous OEA consultant has retired (congrats Alan!) and has been replaced by Kristine Mayle, our new consultant (welcome Kristine!).

Alice, Stephanie, and Jenny attended an OEA conference about Bargaining, Advocacy, and Organizing in Newport, OR in October 2023 to get ready for our negotiations!

Follow our Article Checklist to see what counter proposals we’ve exchanged and where we’ve reached tentative agreements (TAs).